Sunday, April 29, 2007

Casino Free Philly: Sign Up for the Shadow Election

In the last two days 100 new people have signed up to make sure the voice of everyone in Philadelphia can be heard on Election Day, May 15th. 

The Supreme Court is threatening to deny Philadelphians a voice and a vote on whether to have casinos in our neighborhoods. If the state denies our right to vote, we will hold our own shadow election, with our own ballot boxes on Election Day. Though not legally-binding, it will be politically-binding, and give us the mandate to demand action from all of Philadelphia's State Representatives. 

Currently, we have 280 volunteers, and we need your help to reach our internal goal of 500 by Thursday night. If you haven't signed up yet please do so right away at:


Casino-Free Philadelphia is looking for volunteers who can do specific outreach to students. If you are a student at a Philly area university or college and want to help us build a network of student volunteers please email